Car Wraps have become increasingly popular. It is an easy solution to changing a car’s color or adding some customization. Like all cars, a vehicle wrap requires regular cleaning and maintenance. The better you care for your SkinzWrap, the longer it will last.
Also, during this time of the Corona Virus/Covid-19, you want anything you or your family touches to be clean and safe. Remember, cleaning a car wrap is slightly different than cleaning a painted vehicle. Here are a few tips from the professionals.
How Often Should I Clean My Wrapped Vehicle?
As a rule, about once a week is recommended. If something lands on the car, such as bird droppings, insects or tree sap, clean it asap. The longer something sits, the harder it will be to remove without damaging your wrap. When filling your car with gas, be sure to wipe off any dripped gasoline immediately. Then wash with an approved solution when you get home. Clean with a soft sponge, working from the top down ensuring the dirt and pollution run off of the wrap. Only use lukewarm water, never hot!
Can I Use a Drive-Through Car Wash?
It is not recommended. It is best to hand wash your car wrap. Water spray should be okay as long as the water pressure is not too high. Caution, using an automatic car wash can void your warranty.
What Products Should I Use to Clean My Vehicle Wrap?
There are products specifically manufactured for cleaning wraps that will help maintain that “brand-new” look. These will protect the design and texture of the wrap. Here are a few suggestions:
- 3M Quick Detailer Spray wax
- Meguiar’s NXT Generation Car Wash
- Deep Crystal Car Wash.
How Do I Clean for Germs?
Clean your wrapped vehicle with an approved cleaner, but do not allow cleaner to sit on the vehicle. Clean the car in sections, rubbing gently for a few seconds in each area. Rinse thoroughly. Isopropyl alcohol, diluted 50/50 may be ok on the commonly touched areas but check with your installer to be sure.
What About Buffing?
While rubbing is important in cleaning your hands and interior surfaces, you must not buff your car wrap. Buffing can scratch the surface of the wrap. A micro-fiber towel or chamois can be used to gently dry the vehicle. Air dry is truly the best. Also, do not use regular wax or polish on your SkinzWraps vehicle as regular wax can actually age the wrap. Your car wrap is made with shine and/or texture, so no need to buff or wax.
Here are some nevers for cleaning your car wrap. Never use:
- Solvents
- Oil-based cleaners, like orange or almond oil
- Engine Degreaser
- Kitchen or Bathroom cleaners
- Oven cleaner
- Abrasive cleaners
Care for Your Vehicle Wrap With SkinzWraps, Inc.
Your SkinzWaps customized vehicle is your pride, so caring for it the right way will keep it looking new for quite a while. Cleaning regularly and properly will also help you to avoid problems such as germs and pollutants hanging around on the exterior of your car, truck or van. Keep it clean, the right way. Contact SkinzWraps for suggestions or help.